Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Yard Activity In Late June 2014

Healthy new fawn makes her debut in early Summer 2014. There is a tree covered center location on our property that seems to be a berthing area for new life. Young deer typically stay in our back lot for the first several weeks in later spring, to then venture off as summer unfolds to explore their home environment. Animals own this property… we the caretakers are simply the temporary land stewards.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Smells Exactly Like An Open Week
Old Can Of Tuna On A Hot Day

Mug Shot

Here's what I don't get.  How strange is it this Constitutional Professor and Lawyer (as he and his enablers claim) never is called-out by any of his former associates or graduate school students?  OBTW, Mr. Obama did not hold the classic tenured academic professor rank – he was in fact a law school guest lecturer – a/k/a: would be considered a part-time adjunct instructor by many college & university institutions.  But then this university is in Chicago.  Certainly a few of instructor Obama’s former grad students are today politically independent practicing attorneys, seems statistically improbable they are all left-wing-nuts.  Are there no instructor Obama comments available on old graduate school papers still in existence? In personal experience, there was always a significant research paper – of maybe 5,000+ words – including many footnotes and referenced citations as a required final project by each completed graduate-level class. Significant research must be a required element of most graduate school teaching professionals. And most of the genuine graduate school professors would make significant written critiques and comments on these course papers.  So instructor Obama never communicated his true U.S. Constitution inner beliefs in comments on grad student final papers?  Right!

This often-cited U.S. Constitutional "expert" – this instructor Mr. Obama – who taught just three different elective courses at law school – graduate courses that seem to be extraneous study on re-interrupting the message & principles that our Founders set forth in their classic document.  Is it true that instructor Mr. Obama thinks the U.S. Constitution is a flawed document? Law school courses supervised by instructor Mr. Obama seem unnecessary fluff and not natural and deep core studies on the U.S. Constitution.  His coursework may even present anti-Constitution alternative studies. Instructor Obama's U.S. Constitution teachings seem to touch Politically Correct concepts on how one might redefine what the Founders expressly wrote and meant to convey. Yet for instructor Mr. Obama, it seems no former student has yet come forth who might cite first hand knowledge of his classroom instruction methods or comments and critiques on teachings he expressed at law school.  Does anyone know of written evaluations on methods and course content instructor Mr. Obama used conducting his law school U.S. Constitution classes?  There is a track record somewhere that is now missing-in-action regarding instructor Obama’s true expertise and comprehension of our most important Founder’s document.

Strange also... in this day and age where a somewhat vetted and otherwise unremarkable guy named Ed Snowden can jet off to China & Russia with details of CIA surveillance methods & practices... but no one at a post-secondary school that Mr. Obama attended can be motivated to disclose and produce young Obama's admission application claims, or his grades, or his professor evaluations, or his general student conduct for a man who would become POTUS.  We the great unwashed are left to read and consider his two historical-fiction works where Mr. Obama claims authorship – but likely produced in significant part with able literary assistance from unknown others.

And continuing to this day with POTUS’s entire self-reported “Phony IRS Scandal” – in particular regarding that two-year period of server-based Microsoft-Exchange IRS email recently reported missing.  These are the important paper trail and potential evidence for what may be criminal activities underway at the IRS and writings that may lead to persons employed in the Executive Office of the President.  Well, that Brooklyn Bridge remains for sale to anyone who actually accepts the unbelievable story where selective server-based IRS email is forever lost.  How can this happen as a result of what is very predictable local hard disk drive crashes in Windows PC workstations?  This electronic email audit trail exists somewhere... all of the missing IRS email can be discovered.  Something smells really FISHY here at the IRS.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Arbor Day 2014 in New York State

Introducing some new life here at the ranch, but sadly they simply replace some five-year-old spruce tree deaths.

New York State celebrates National Arbor Day, both festive observations being the last Friday in April. So last Friday, April 25, 2014 we did our annual tree-planting thing. This year only a couple dozen trees were planted, a dozen Black Cherry hardwoods and a dozen or so evergreen Norway Spruce. The Spruce trees were replacements -- new trees to take the place of Norway Spruce lost since last fall. It is not known what is killing our Norway tree stands, some unknown bug or virus I suspect. And what to do about this quick acting death is presently unknown. My query to authorities at Herkimer County Soil and Water Conservation District yielded little more than a shoulder shrug. So a new query to Arbor Day Foundation or Cornell Cooperative Extension is the next plan.

A couple of the dead Spruce trees are presented in the above photo. These trees seemed perfectly healthy last year – fully green needled and apparently healthy. Something works relatively quickly to wipe out the trees. Lost maybe twenty of our 1,500+ evergreens since last fall.

I was down south near Oneonta last week talking to the husband of a distant cousin. He reported the same issue, having seen a few large Spruce Trees around his rural property quickly die off. Sure hope New York State is not at the leading edge of another tree species die off similar to that 20th century scourge Dutch Elm Disease. Just wondering if anyone knows what’s up with the relatively high number of Norway spruce deaths?

P.S. OBTW, five Rose Of Sharon bushes were planted too – compliments of the Arbor Day Foundation.