Many undesirable life events seem destined to repeat themselves, and a significant percent of educated "whiz kids" in charge today seem to think there is a growing new problem. Watching TV's "Nature" program on PBS a few hours ago... some guy whining about the decline in Arctic Fox population... this because Red Fox species is moving north and overpopulating the Arctic and eating the same food previously exclusive to Arctic Fox (all mainly due -- of course -- to Global Warming). The unstated root problem, again -- and of course -- is animal (or plant) overpopulation, whether the subject is too many rats, rabbits, humans, or crabgrass! Climate change (aka Global Warming), or at least that portion directly attributable to human activity, is a symptom. It isn't the problem. When will a significant percentage of changemaker climate scientists wake-up and report overpopulation as the true root problem? In history, all life without significant life threats will eventually screw themselves and reproduce to a very unpleasant overpopulation death or an unthinkable environment to support future life.
While their timeline for overpopulation impacts was off a bit, Dr. Paul and Mrs. Anne Ehrlich called it correctly in their scholarly written works The Population Bomb, The Population Explosion, et al. It is well past time for the "Chicken Little" global warming scientist crowd to understand the negative impact of overpopulation by taking on new comprehension of these Ehrlich writings. For goodness sake, attacking the symptoms will never fix the underlining root problem. Otherwise put, animals in smaller numbers doing activities that are potentially dangerous to their environment will logically produce a smaller impact on that environment. A fresh look to resolve the fundamental unlining root problem is absolutely necessary.
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