Wednesday, January 27, 2021

*** 23andMe Makes DNA Ethnicity Adjustments ***


23andMe DNA updates effective December 24, 2020, on D. J. Paul's raw DNA.  The two charts cited as follows show the ethnicity estimates done by 23andMe before and after December 24, 2020.  Of course, DNA does not change, but improved methods and estimate techniques continue to evolve over time, and estimates change slightly as the ethnicity estimate models are better defined by improved modeling methods as applied to the same raw DNA data.  

23andMe Ethnicity Estimate Before December 24, 2020:

23andMe Ethnicity Estimate After December 24, 2020:

Comment: The new ethnicity estimate conforms better relative to what our ancestry paper research concludes.  I'm proud to report that I'm a member of the largest minority group living in the United States -- not one-third, half, or two-thirds European -- but a certifiable "100% European American" by a fully recognized DNA authority.