Monday, February 24, 2025

A Revolutionary War Connecticut Ship's Captain

His full name is Captain Theophilus Stanton Jr. (1703 – 1778), aka “Theo” to family and friends – and he is my 2nd cousin (9 x Removed). Otherwise put, “Theo” is nine generations senior. Theo's Dad is Theophilus Stanton Sr. (b.1676) and his paternal Grandfather is Captain John Stanton (d.1713), a son of Thomas Staton Sr. and the full brother of our family ancestor Thomas Stanton Jr. (d.1718).  Captain John Stanton (d.1713) and Thomas Stanton Jr. (d.1718) are the eldest sons of Mr. Thomas Stanton Sr. (d.1677) and Mrs. Ann Lord-Stanton (d.1688) of Stonington, Connecticut.


Theophilus “Theo” Stanton is therefore a Great-Grandson of our aforementioned British-American Colonial progenitor Thomas Stanton Sr. (d.1677). “Theo” served as a Connecticut Militia private soldier during the 1756 Campaign, in Captain Billings' Eight Company, Major General Lyman's First Regiment during the French and Indian War.  In adulthood it seems obvious that “Theo” Stanton was mainly engaged in maritime employment operating from several Southeast Connecticut ports.

Second cousin Captain “Theo” is also a Revolutionary War naval officer, first appointed 23 Mar 1776 as Commanding Officer of Connecticut State Navy Row Galley SHARK.  Row galleys are built with both sails and with oars, and thus are very maneuverable small ships.  SHARK had a crew of about 50 souls including 23 sailors, 23 marines and 4 officers when fully manned. The captain's salary was set at 7 pounds per month ($1850/mo. today). On 19 Jun 1776, Theo's 2nd cousin Amos Stanton was appointed Second Lieutenant and named Lieutenant of Marines aboard SHARK.  Amos is our 3rd cousin (8x Removed) and the Great-Great Grandson of colonial progenitor Thomas Stanton Sr. * More on Amos Stanton in footnote.

A Typical Row Galley In Battle

SHARK was built and outfitted by ship builder J. Lester on the Thames River in Norwich Connecticut. The galley's keel length is 60 feet, breadth is 18 feet, depth in hold is 5 feet, 57 tons capacity, and had four 9-pounder cannons installed. One reports states two 9-pounder cannons were later replaced with two 18-pounder cannons. SHARK was commissioned in early July 1776 and first ordered to New Haven and then sailed to the waters off Stonington, Connecticut. On request of General Washington, in late July 1776 Connecticut Governor Trumbull directed SHARK in company with Connecticut Navy Row Galleys Crane and Whiting to sail for New York and placed under Washington's direction. In August 1776 SHARK and four other row galleys engaged British warships in two Hudson River actions – First and Second Battles of the Tappen Zee. A more significant action was thereafter engaged 9 October 1776 “Forcing The Hudson” action against superior British Naval Forces – Frigates HMS PHOENIX [44 guns], HMS TARTAR [28 guns], and HMS ROBUCK [44 guns], supported by HMS Schooner TRYAL and two supply tenders HMS PEMBROKE and HMS SHULDHAM, both tenders are converted warships. At “Forcing The Hudson” the experienced British Naval Forces are noted far better trained and better supported with assets totaling six large ships, configured with more than 116 guns, and 760 sailors; whereas, the inferior Continental Naval Forces totaled 7 small row galley ships, 19 guns, and about 300 sailors. Not surprisingly, the British Forces prevailed!  SHARK, as then accompanied by one or two row galleys escaped up river to a Peekskill, New York location where her Connecticut crew was relieved in late 1776, SHARK then placed under the upkeep care of ship's carpenter Mr. Roger Fanning and a couple of ship's company sailors. She was then officially transferred to the Continental Army in 1777 and was later captured or burned by British Forces.

Second Battle Of The Tappen Zee, 16 Aug 1776.
SHARK was one of several galleys involved in this action. 

Captain “Theo” Stanton remained in service to the Revolution when named master and commander of the American Sloop Patty (a single mast ship), engaged in supply trade between the West Indies and northeastern American shores. On November 13, 1777, Captain Stanton, crew, and ship returned to New London, Connecticut “much shattered from a combat with a British ship of 14 guns.” Captain Theophilus Stanton, Jr. died 16 May 1778 in Connecticut. His will dated July 1777 is probated in Groton in 1778. Theo's internment site is currently unknown.

"Rouse the People to see their Danger.  Stir them up by all that is dear in this life.  Our Wives, our Children, our Property, our Liberty is at Stake."

-- by Colonel Samuel Selden, Lyme, Connecticut.

American Colonel Samuel Seldon is a veteran of The Battle Of Long Island [1776] and a Revolutionary War POW  "...after languishing in prison about one month being taken the 17th day of Sept. 1776, and carried into New York and there kept close prioner until he expired."

[Died 11 Oct 1776 aboard a British prison ship in New York Harbor, probably buried in mass grave at Fort Green Park, Brooklyn, NY with 11,000+ Prison Ship Martyrs].  Colonel Samuel Selden is a 1st cousin, 8xRemoved, the grandson of our 8th Great Grandfather Joseph Selden (1651-1724) formally of East Haddam, Connecticut Colony. 

* In February 1777, Amos Stanton was appointed a 1st Lieutenant in Connecticut's Continental Line and on 9 Nov 1777 named Captain Connecticut Line and 6th Company Commander, in COL Sherburne's 2nd Connecticut Line Regiment (active-duty Continentals). Captain Amos Stanton served honorably for more than three years active duty as a Connecticut Continental Soldier.  Amos was KIA by British Forces on 6 Sep 1781 during The Battle of Groton Heights.  More information about Captain Amos Stanton [d.1781] available from a 2019 posting, click and view HERE

Compiled from public domain and copyrighted references for the educational and non-profit use of readers by DJ Paul, February 2025.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Original story written by DJ Paul in 1999.


Bill Clinton did some things right, while simultaneously managing many things very poorly (and not addressing the Monica adventure here).  The alleged Clinton Administration "Peace Dividend"  military base closures will prove to be an exceptional mistake with many late-1990s closures. Otherwise put, this new "Clinton's Folly" that now threatens us all.  Closing bases like NAS Adak remains a hughly short-sighted mistake.  It may cost a billion+ US Dollars to re-open the needed NAS Adak.

The Story Written In 1999

Naval Air Station (NAS) Adak, in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, was abandoned by the U.S. Navy in the late 1990s as part of the mid-1990s Bill Clinton Administration base-closure "Peace Dividend" activity (the same "Peace-Dividend" political movement that closed Rome [New York] U.S. Air Force Base).  The NAS Adak base closure is certain to prove a huge mistake in future years. NAS Adak location is now renamed and operational under Alaska State authority as Adak Airport.  If interested, please see the Wikipedia article cited below as a good historical reference source.  Excellent sport hunting and fishing are (or were) found here on Adak Island. I met an Electronics Technician Senior Chief Petty Officer here who was known to bag a 400+ pound halibut fishing aboard the NAS Adak MWR fishing vessel, taken from local Bering Sea waters -- his photo of the halibut shows the hanging fish as tall as the senior chief who was happily standing beside his large catch.  

Remembering the one keepsake brought back from this NAS Adak PACEX 1989 assignment as exercise comms officer -- a T-shirt that states: "NAS Adak Alaska -- It's Not The End Of The World, But You Can See It From Here."

To view Adak's Wikipedia article, Click HERE

Recent concerns and adversarial activity:

View US Senator Sullivan's October 2024 comments, click HERE

It may be past time to reopen NAS Adak, click HERE to view a lengthy article by writer Eric Scigliano on Adak dated September 2024.   

Saturday, November 9, 2024

A Veteran's Day Program By Frankfort-Schyuler Elementary School Students, Teachers & Staff


Many thanks to Master-of-Ceremonies and Frankfort-Schuyler Central School District (FSCSD) Superintendent Mr. Joseph Palmer, to the outstanding Frankfort-Schuyler Elementary School Teachers & Staff, and a special THANK YOU to the many exceptional elementary students in pre-K through 6th grades at FSCSD.  Your 31st Annual Veteran's Day Program held November 8, 2024 is gratefully appreciated.  High competence was also clearly on display by the Frankfort-Schuyler High School Band (under the direction of music teacher Ms. Kathy Donaleski) in their strong and proper instrumental presentation of America's "National Anthem."      

To view the exceptional video program on YouTube, a one and a half hour celebration, click HERE

Exiting the school following the celebration a small "care-package" was offered to each Veteran, the packet containing a few kind written thoughts from a couple of elementary students.  Scans of my packet  contents follow:

From Olivia, a presumed pre-K or K student.

Another student with an unreadable signature is thankful for the freedom to become an astronaut. 

An elementary school student Ms. Grygiel says thank you.

The excellent FSCSD Veteran's Day Celebration printed program. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

November 5, 2024 Pictorial Review Of Newer Trees

 Zoom in and look closely as several visitors arrive to watch me check the fence lines on 5 Nov 2024.

Our Grandparent Remembrance Trees.

Foreground now near 4' row are Great Grandfather Trees.

Middle row now near 6' are Terri Grandma's trees. 

Back row some now 9' tall are DJ Grandma's trees.

Our new Apple Orchard planted in Spring 2024, 10 Macintosh and 10 Honey Crisp Trees.  The trees were started from seed in Spring 2023/24.  Trees are fenced in, and then individually wrapped to ensure further protection from our foraging resident deer. 

Ten new Norway Spruce Trees planted in Spring 2024 on Arbor Day.

Two more interesting photos follow showing our back lot resident observers during the fence lines checks done on 5 Nov 2024.  General population seems to be about 5 to 8 individuals so far in 2024/2025 fall/winter season.   

This curious deer came within 25 feet of where some work was being done.
It's believed this individual thinks she belongs to us. 

Two friends give a last look and join others standing in the larger 25 foot Norway Spruce as planted several years ago.  Not against hunting or firearm ownership, proud NRA members, but our 4-legged friends would be safe if they stayed on our land -- where, no hunting is allowed.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Past study highlighted Dr. W. Edwards Deming's policy position on corporate management -- and Dr. Deming's wisdom remains highly valid today. Paraphrased here -- problems in any firm can be exclusively traced to top management. This is a single and simple truth... 90% of all corporate problems rest with top management, since it is only top managers who are empowered to make the correct, immediate, and necessary structural turn-around change. When institutions and private investors see a firm's stock cratering >35% over a very short time, this is a clear indication the market has loss confidence in firm's course under persent management. A fresh top management evaluation by an independent expert management team is required at Intel. Such review might perhaps be initiated by engaging a certified body lauguage expert to evaluate a recent Yahoo Finance interview with Intel CEO Gelsinger... a presentation characterized by massive hand-arm waving, head bobbing, coupled with very significant eye-blinking. According to many body language experts these actions are personal tells that clearly indicate the subject is perhaps knowingly making disengenious statements. Intel's CEO and his top management team may need to be numbered among the 15,000 Intel employees to be soon terminated.

In another Yahoo Finance report: "Creative Strategies CEO and Principal Analyst Ben Bajarin noted... people had thought the worst was behind Intel, I think all this [in the Q2 earnings report] has proven that's not true." Intel's board of directors needs to step in and hire the skills of an independent analyst firm like Creative Strategies Inc.

Having said this, it is true that most any large firm can terminate 8%-10 % of current employees, survive this in good health, and remain highly productive with the new reduced workforce. Of course, this presumes that the correct employees are terminated. There is little recent proof suggesting Intel's current top leadership is in possession of this necessary personnel resource management skill. On layoffs, start your investigation with a leadership evalution by competent authority of the firm's present top administration. A course correction seems necessary.

UPDATE Feb 2025: Thank goodness Intel CEO Gelsinger appears to be GONE -- no longer in the employ at Intel!

Good news for Intel shareholders... I hope.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Elijah Stanton (d.1849) -- A Revolutionary Soldier


Photo by DJ Paul dated 1 Jun 2024 (not copyrighted)

The rural graves of Connecticut Revolutionary War private soldier Elijah Stanton (1754-1849), his beloved wife Lucy (Goodell) Stanton (d.1836), and their son John Warren Stanton (d.1838) were tended in May/June 2024, the yard work included manually pulling surrounding weeds assisted by a weed/grass string trimmer.  Afterwards, Elijah's moss/mold stained headstone was treated with Wet & Forget brand moss, mold, mildew, & algae stain remover outdoor surface cleaner. Wet & Forget is one product suggested by the U.S. Veterans Cemetery Administration for headstone cleaning. The bleach-free, non-acidic, and phosphate-free product is claimed over time, to kill all sorts of mold, mildew, and moss without scrubbing. We will make a return trip to these graves located in Eatonville Cemetery (aka Eaton's Bush Cemetery), to check the headstone stain removal process.

Also, a strong shout-out is extended to the Herkimer Town Council (of Herkimer County, New York), the Town of Herkimer Highway Superintendent Ken Ward and his highway department employees for keeping the cemetery well mowed – this noted with highest pleasure.  Many thanks!

NOTE: Click HERE to view additional information at Find A Grave.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

AT&T Confirms Gross Intellectual Incompetence


I'd like to thank those seemingly mentally challenged AT&T managers for writing and telling me both in an email and a snail-mail form-letter they have determined that my personal information was compromised in a data breach on March 26, 2024. They say, AT&T got hacked by the “dark web.” Strong Suggestion, let's put this problem in more truthful language, or state the issue otherwise.  The cloaking term "dark web" is technospeak made by less than competent technical management ("dark web" is simply a CYA).  So get the terminology right AT&T.  Some unknown underworld, less than honorable Internet hackers, being obviously smarter than AT&T software programmers, found a security hole in AT&T web-based software or found a less intelligent backdoor left behind in AT&T software logic.  Therefore, these Internet hackers evidently gained access to all or most all of AT&T customer's private information.

Get this! The AT&T remedial solution is an offer to provide “complimentary credit monitoring.”  So I went to the web to check out this AT&T offer. Here's what I found. The AT&T credit monitors asked me to supply them with name, address, etc., etc., etc., – virtually all my personal information including my Social Security Number (SSN). GET REAL AT&T!  This session was quickly terminated without  submitting this “complimentary credit monitoring offer” – I'm a bit sensitive about giving anyone my SSN.

So my question is, are AT&T software security managers insane or are they just abundantly stupid? AT&T just lost my personal information by their own written admission, and now AT&T wants me to communicate again to AT&T or to their I guess alleged competent credit monitors, all my personal information including, but not limited to, my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Got to admit, this offer takes a very big pair! No AT&T, you or your security breach cleanup team can not again have all or most all of my personal information that you just lost to unknowable Internet hackers -- PERIOD!