Saturday, August 3, 2024


Past study highlighted Dr. W. Edwards Deming's policy position on corporate management -- and Dr. Deming's wisdom remains highly valid today. Paraphrased here -- problems in any firm can be exclusively traced to top management. This is a single and simple truth... 90% of all corporate problems rest with top management, since it is only top managers who are empowered to make the correct, immediate, and necessary structural turn-around change. When institutions and private investors see a firm's stock cratering >35% over a very short time, this is a clear indication the market has loss confidence in firm's course under persent management. A fresh top management evaluation by an independent expert management team is required at Intel. Such review might perhaps be initiated by engaging a certified body lauguage expert to evaluate a recent Yahoo Finance interview with Intel CEO Gelsinger... a presentation characterized by massive hand-arm waving, head bobbing, coupled with very significant eye-blinking. According to many body language experts these actions are personal tells that clearly indicate the subject is perhaps knowingly making disengenious statements. Intel's CEO and his top management team may need to be numbered among the 15,000 Intel employees to be soon terminated.

Checkout the Intel CEO interview at Yahoo Finance -- click HERE

In another Yahoo Finance report: "Creative Strategies CEO and Principal Analyst Ben Bajarin noted... people had thought the worst was behind Intel, I think all this [in the Q2 earnings report] has proven that's not true."

Click HERE to checkout Creative Strategies.

Intel's board of directors needs to step in and hire the skills of an independent analyst firm like Creative Strategies Inc.

Having said this, it is true that most any large firm can terminate 8%-10 % of current employees, survive this in good health, and remain highly productive with the new reduced workforce. Of course, this presumes that the correct employees are terminated. There is little recent proof suggesting Intel's current top leadership is in possession of this necessary personnel resource management skill. On layoffs, start your investigation with a leadership evalution by competent authority of the firm's present top administration. A course correction seems necessary.

Regards, djp

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