Friday, January 12, 2024

Serious Instruction On Work Place Touching


Long ago I worked with a female Navy Chief Petty Officer who once told me -

"I don't mind sexual harassment, it's that harassment without the sex that ticks me off."

That CPO would likely be fired in today's "touchy-feely" PC Navy (or negative comments may certainly be inserted in her official record). I worked with a few female Navy Chiefs... to be honest I'm not sure which one said this to me, but I do recall the remark was made just after we attended a 3-hour mandatory sexual harassment lecture. I got a huge laugh hearing that comment.

Actually was told this in a lecture like first graders might be regarding work-related touching. There are "green zones" good and OK touching, "yellow-zones" questionable and uncomfortable touching, and then to "red-zones" contacts -- I guess a slap on the ass, making the Grab, etc. touches that are obviously worthy of formal charges.

It's so stupid... anyone with a brain should know what inappropriate touches are... and if this conduct is found the offender should be gone (fired) by sunset. I remember the sexual harassment lecture was delivered by a female Navy Commander (a lawyer) who flew in from Washington D.C. just to deliver a nasty conduct lecture. Timing was just after the infamous Las Vegas hotel "Tail Hook" incident(s) involving naval flying personnel following Gulf War I (1991).  Guess those Naval Airedales watched too many older Hollywood military movies and attempted multiple duplication of this now funny, but unacceptable, conduct depicted in these now unseemly movie scenes [?].  But tell me I'm wrong -- most of these old military movies are presently regarded by qualified movie critics as legitimate classical films.

1 comment:

  1. Email received from old buddy Ed Button:
    Hi Dave:

    I can't believe it's been over 30 years since the "Tailhook" convention. That incident certainly left a ripple in the Time Continuum. We in the DOT felt it as well.

    What can we expect from organizations, public & private, that take our bright young man:
    1) give them expensive educations.....
    2) dress them in spiffie uniforms or suits....
    3) give them access to multi million dollar "stuff"......
    4) spend additional millions on further training......
    5) then tell them they are the best in the world!!

    You got guys who's testosterone is being pumped to their brains like a Texas gusher.

    Undesirable behavior unbecoming to a leader and a gentleman Is the stimulus for sexual harassment training where a good looking high ranking female officer lines everybody up and kicks them in the nuts, so to speak.

    Now with their heads out of the clouds, they can go through life with a slight limp.

    Those young men at the Tail Hook Convention didn't invent sexual harassment, they leaned it from decads of tasit approval from their male rolemodels and leaders, who in all probability were not present when someone lowered the boom. CYA in the Old Boy Club!

    The self righteous always use the "shotgun" approach instead of making an example of the guilty. That's what always infuriated me the most about the State.

    I don't know about you, but I feel better! Thanks Pard for the opportunity to vent.
