Saturday, February 17, 2024

Take A Look At This Happy American Legion News


Click HERE to read this very important NAUTICAL NEWS... 

So glad to learn that sailors can now walk around with their hands in pockets, that naval gals can wear false eyelashes in uniform (and I guess guys too, we gotta be gender-neutral don't we[?]), that naval chaplin's prayers were answered and they can now wear some sort of dolpin/wings uniform device, and lastly that naval drone pilots can wear wings.  My GOD, you are pulling my leg here... right?

And what's up with this new authorization allowing female sailors to wear the tiara as an optional uniform component when donned in dinner dress blues and/or white jacket uniforms.  How and why is this non-uniform change in naval uniform regulations necessary?  In interest of full disclosure, the author had to Google "tiara" being an old fart male, out of touch, and unfamiliar with this device.  So exactly how is it the tiara device makes military dinner-clothing uniform?  It seems obvious any such device-ware makes the uniform less uniform.  Isn't that the purpose of tiara wear in the first place -- to draw more notice and attention to those wearing the most beautiful tiara?  My gosh, what military genius thought of this? And is the Brazilian Butt Enhancement authorization next on your agenda?

I'm sittin' and reading this American Legion news release, and thinkin' this is the kind of miltary BS (aka FUBAR) that happens when we are not engaged in an active declared war... got to give those unnecessary senior officer billet-holders who are now polishing a desk chair with their butts (mostly flag rank) something to do down there in DC.  I'm so glad to be a former sailor... and naval management would certainly be happy to do without some of us with a similar take on this matter (asked to leave or forced retirement).

 WTF, over and out.


  1. Comment from Paul E -- "Twilight zone."

  2. Emailed comment from one of my oldest friends Ed B -- "I read the article with mixed emotions. At first I thought tiaras and eyelashes were a joke, but the form fitting "T" shirts had to be the request of the ALL- male sailor contingent. I'de vote for that one!

    1) I can hear/read major "Sucking Sounds" propagating the new dress code.

    2) Sailors can now put their hands in their pockets?!?! What for - to shake hands with their congressmen?

    3) I can see major problems arising from the "transgender - queer" crowd over who gets to wear all this new adornment. That's NEXT!! You know it!

    Take care O' Buddy. Stand clear of the hauser-hole! Ed"
